Popular Spanish Verbs

We have full conjugation tables for the 762 most popular verbs in Spanish, in all tenses and moods. See the complete list below, including full English translations. Looking for more? Our mobile and web apps have over 2,300+ verbs!:

Abandonarto abandon, to leave
Abrazarto hug, to embrace
Abrirto open
Absorberto absorb
Abundarto abound
Aburrirto bore
Aburrirseto get bored
Abusarto abuse
Acabarto finish, to end, to complete
Acamparto camp
Accederto access
Acelerarto accelerate
Aceptarto accept
Acercarto bring closer
Acercarseto approach (oneself)
Acompañarto accompany
Aconsejarto advise, to suggest, to counsel
Acordarto agree, to agree on or upon
Acordarseto remember
Acostarto put to bed, to lay down
Acostarseto go to bed, to lie down
Acostumbrarto accustom, to habituate
Actualizarto update, to refresh
Actualizarseto update (oneself)
Actuarto act, to perform
Acudirto go, to turn up
Acumularto accumulate
Acusarto accuse
Adaptarto adapt
Adelantarto go ahead, to move forward, to overtake
Adelgazarto slim down, to lose weight
Admirarto admire
Admitirto admit
Adoptarto adopt
Adquirirto acquire, to purchase
Advertirto warn, to note, to caution, to notice
Afirmarto affirm
Agradecerto thank, to be grateful for
Aguantarto endure, to put up with
Ahorrarto save (money), to spare
Aislarto isolate
Alcanzarto reach, to attain, to achieve, to accomplish
Alegrarto be happy, to be glad
Alegrarseto be happy (oneself), to be glad (oneself)
Alejarto move (away)
Alimentarto feed, to nourish
Almacenarto store, to stock up
Almorzarto lunch, to eat lunch
Alquilarto rent, to hire
Alterarto alter
Amanecerto dawn
Amarto love
Amarseto love (each other)
Amenazarto threaten, to menace
Añadirto add
Analizarto analyse, to analyze
Andarto walk, to go, to go around
Animarto encourage, to animate
Anochecerto become night, to get dark
Añorarto yearn
Anotarto annotate, to make a note
Anularto cancel
Anunciarto announce, to advertise
Apagarto turn off, to extinguish
Aparecerto appear
Aplaudirto applaud
Aplicarto apply
Apoyarto support
Apoyarseto be supported
Aprenderto learn
Apretarto tighten
Aprobarto approve, to pass
Aprovecharto take advantage of
Aprovecharseto take advantage (when used with "de")
Apuntarto point, to aim, to make a note, to record
Armarto assemble, to arm
Arreglarto fix, to mend, to arrange
Arreglarseto get ready
Arrendarto lease, to rent
Asegurarto ensure, to secure, to insure
Asegurarseto ensure, to be sure
Asistirto assist, to attend
Atenderto attend to, to serve, to tend to
Aumentarto increase, to enlarge
Avanzarto advance, to proceed, to move
Averiguarto find out, to ascertain
Ayudarto help, to assist
Bailarto dance
Bajarto go down, to lower, to bring down
Beberto drink
Buscarto search (for), to look (for)
Caberto fit
Caerto fall, to fall down
Caerseto fall, to fall down
Calcularto calculate, to estimate
Calentarto warm (up), to heat (up)
Calentarseto heat (oneself)
Callarto stop talking, to be quiet
Calmarto calm, to soothe
Cambiarto change
Cambiarseto change (clothes)
Caminarto walk
Cancelarto cancel
Cantarto sing
Capacitarto prepare, to qualify
Capacitarseto be qualified, to be trained
Cargarto load
Casarseto marry
Castigarto punish
Causarto cause
Cederto yield, to give in, to assign, to transfer
Celebrarto celebrate, to hold (an event), to put on (an event)
Celebrarseto be celebrated, to take place
Cenarto dine
Centrarto centre, to center, to focus
Cepillarto brush
Cepillarseto brush (oneself)
Cerrarto close, to shut, to lock, to seal
Cesarto cease, to stop, to end
Charlarto chat
Chillarto scream, to yell, to squeal
Chocarto crash, to collide, to annoy
Chuparto suck
Circularto circulate, to go round
Citarto schedule, to arrange a meeting
Clasificarto classify, to sort, to rank, to rate
Cobrarto charge (money), to collect (money)
Cocinarto cook
Cogerto take, to catch, to get, to pick
Coincidirto coincide
Colaborarto collaborate
Colarto strain, to filter
Colgarto hang, to hang up
Colmarto fill, to fill up, to fulfill
Colocarto place, to locate, to put
Combatirto fight, to combat
Combinarto combine
Comentarto comment
Comenzarto start, to commence, to begin
Comerto eat
Comerseto consume, to eat away
Cometerto commit
Compararto compare
Compartirto share
Competirto compete
Completarto complete
Complicarto complicate
Complicarseto get complicated
Comprarto buy
Comprenderto comprehend, to understand
Comprobarto check, to test
Comunicarto communicate, to report, to inform, to convey
Comunicarseto communicate
Concederto concede, to give
Concluirto conclude
Conducirto drive, to lead, to conduct
Conectarto connect
Confesarto confess, to admit
Confiarto trust, to rely, to entrust
Confirmarto confirm
Confundirto confuse
Conmoverto move (emotionally), to touch
Conocerto know (people and places)
Conocerseto know (oneself), to meet
Conseguirto get, to obtain
Consentirto consent, to accept, to agree
Conservarto keep, to retain, to conserve
Considerarto consider
Considerarseto be considered, to consider (oneself)
Consistirto consist
Consolarto comfort
Consolidarto consolidate
Constituirto constitute
Construirto build, to construct
Consultarto consult
Consumirto consume
Contactarto contact
Contagiarto transmit, to spread (a virus), to infect
Contarto count, to tell
Contemplarto contemplate
Contenerto contain, to hold, to include
Contestarto answer, to reply
Continuarto continue
Contribuirto contribute
Controlarto control
Convencerto convince, to persuade
Convenirto agree, to concur
Conversarto converse, to talk
Convertirto convert
Convertirseto convert to, to turn into
Copiarto copy
Corregirto correct, to mend
Correrto run, to race
Corresponderto correspond
Cortarto cut
Cosecharto harvest, to reap
Coserto sew, to stitch
Costarto cost
Crearto create
Crecerto grow up, to rise, to increase
Creerto believe, to think
Creerseto believe (about oneself), to think (about oneself)
Criarto rear, to raise, to bring up
Criarseto grow (as a person)
Criticarto criticise
Cruzarto cross, to walk across
Cubrirto cover
Cuidarto look after, to care
Cuidarseto look after (oneself)
Cultivarto cultivate, to grow, to farm
Cumplirto carry out, to fulfil
Curarto cure, to heal
Darto give
Darseto give (oneself)
Deberto owe, to must, to should
Decidirto decide
Decirto say, to tell
Decirseto say (to oneself)
Declararto declare
Dedicarto devote, to dedicate
Dedicarseto devote (oneself), to dedicate (oneself)
Defenderto defend
Defenderseto defend (oneself)
Definirto define
Dejarto leave, to let, to allow, to cease
Dejarseto let (oneself), to let oneself go
Demandarto demand
Demostrarto demonstrate, to show, to prove
Denunciarto report, to denounce
Dependerto depend
Desaparecerto disappear, to vanish
Desarrollarto develop
Desarrollarseto develop (oneself)
Desayunarto have breakfast
Descansarto rest
Descargarto download
Descenderto descend, to go down
Desconectarto disconnect
Describirto describe
Descubrirto discover
Desearto wish, to want, to desire
Despedirto dismiss, to fire (e.g. an employee)
Despedirseto say goodbye
Despertarto wake, to awaken
Despertarseto wake (oneself), to awaken (oneself), to wake up
Detectarto detect
Detenerto stop, to arrest, to detain
Detenerseto stop, to arrest, to detain
Determinarto determine
Devenirto become
Devolverto give back, to return (something)
Dibujarto draw
Dictarto dictate
Difundirto spread, to diffuse
Dirigirto direct, to lead, to manage
Disculparto excuse
Discutirto discuss, to argue
Diseñarto design
Disfrutarto enjoy
Disgustarto disgust
Disminuirto decrease, to diminish
Disponerto prepare, to get something ready
Distinguirto distinguish, to make out
Distribuirto distribute, to allocate, to give out
Divertirto amuse, to entertain
Divertirseto enjoy (oneself), to amuse (oneself), to entertain (oneself)
Dividirto divide
Dolerto hurt, to ache, to pain
Dominarto dominate, to control
Donarto donate, to give
Dormirto sleep
Dormirseto fall asleep
Ducharto shower (someone), to shower (something)
Ducharseto shower (oneself)
Dudarto doubt
Durarto last, to endure, to continue
Echarto throw, to put, to drop
Echarseto throw (oneself), to lean, to lie down
Editarto edit
Educarto educate
Efectuarto effect, to make
Ejecutarto execute, to implement
Ejercerto exercise, to exert
Ejercitarto excercise
Elaborarto produce
Elegirto choose, to select, to elect
Elevarto raise, to elevate
Eliminarto remove, to eliminate
Elogiarto praise
Emigrarto emigrate
Emitirto broadcast
Empeorarto worsen, to deteriorate
Empezarto start, to begin
Emplearto employ, to use
Emprenderto undertake
Empujarto push
Enamorarseto fall in love
Encajarto fit, to fit in
Encantarto love, to enchant
Encargarto order, to request
Encenderto turn on, to switch on, to ignite, to light up
Encerrarto shut down, to enclose
Enchufarto plug in
Encogerto shrink
Encomendarto entrust, to commend
Encontrarto find
Encontrarseto find (oneself)
Endulzarto sweeten
Endurecerto harden
Enfadarto annoy, to anger, to irritate
Enfadarseto get angry, to get annoyed
Enfocarto focus
Enfrentarto face, to confront
Enfriarto cool, to chill
Engañarto cheat, to deceive
Enojarto anger, to annoy
Enojarseto get angry, to get annoyed
Ensayarto test, to try out, to rehearse
Enseñarto teach, to show
Ensuciarto get dirty
Entenderto understand
Enterarseto find out, to notice
Entrarto enter
Entregarto deliver, to give, to submit
Entrenarto train, to coach, to practice, to practise
Entretenerto entertain
Entretenerseto entertain (oneself), to have fun
Entristecerseto get sad
Envejecerseto become old
Enviarto send, to send something (e.g. message or email)
Envolverto cover, to wrap
Equivocarseto make a mistake (oneself)
Escalarto climb
Escanearto scan
Escaparto escape
Escaparseto escape
Escogerto choose, to pick
Escoltarto escort
Esconderto hide
Escribirto write
Escribirseto write to each other
Escucharto listen
Esperarto wait, to hope, to wait for
Esquiarto ski
Establecerto establish
Estacionarto park
Estallarto burst, to explode
Estarto be (temporary)
Estimarto estimate, to gauge
Estrenarto show (for the first time), to release
Estudiarto study
Evacuarto evacuate
Evaluarto evaluate, to assess
Evitarto avoid, to prevent
Examinarto examine, to inspect, to test
Excluirto exclude
Exigirto require, to demand
Existirto exist
Expandirto expand, to spread
Experimentarto experiment, to experience
Explicarto explain
Explorarto explore
Exponerto expose, to display
Expresarto express, to convey
Exprimirto squeeze, to wring (out)
Extenderto extend, to stretch
Extraerto extract
Extrañarto surprise, to miss
Extrañarseto be surprised
Fabricarto manufacture, to make
Facilitarto facilitate
Faltarto lack, to fail, to fall short (of)
Fascinarto fascinate
Festejarto celebrate
Fijarto pin up, to set, to fix
Fijarseto take notice
Filmarto film, to shoot (a film)
Firmarto sign
Fomentarto promote, to encourage, to foster
Formarto form, to make
Formularto formulate
Fortalecerto strengthen
Forzarto force
Fotografiarto photograph, to take a photo of, to take a picture of
Fumarto smoke
Funcionarto function, to work
Ganarto win, to gain, to earn
Garantizarto guarantee
Gastarto expend
Generalizarto generalise
Generarto generate
Gestionarto manage
Girarto turn
Gobernarto govern, to rule
Grabarto record
Gritarto shout, to scream, to yell
Guardarto save (information), to keep, to guard, to hold
Guiarto guide
Gustarto like, to be pleased by
Haberto have (auxiliary)
Habilitarto enable
Habitarto inhabit
Habituarto habituate, to get in the habit of
Hablarto speak, to talk
Hablarseto speak (with each other)
Hacerto do, to make
Hacerseto make (oneself), to become
Hallarto find
Heredarto inherit
Hervirto boil
Hornearto cook in the oven, to bake, to roast
Huirto run away, to escape, to flee
Identificarto identify
Ignorarto ignore
Imaginarto imagine
Imitarto imitate
Impartirto impart
Impedirto prevent, to impede
Implementarto implement
Implicarto implicate, to imply
Imponerto impose
Importarto import, to matter
Imprimirto print
Inclinarto incline, to tip (over)
Incluirto include
Incorporarto incorporate
Incrementarto increase, to increment
Indicarto indicate
Inducirto induce
Infectarto infect
Inflarto inflate, to blow up
Informarto inform, to report
Ingresarto admit, to pay in
Inhalarto breathe in, to inhale
Iniciarto start, to initiate
Innovarto innovate
Inscribirto inscribe
Insistirto insist
Instalarto install, to set up
Integrarto integrate, to form (part of)
Intentarto try, to attempt
Interactuarto interact
Interesarto interest
Interpretarto interpret
Interrumpirto interrupt
Introducirto introduce, to insert
Invitarto invite
Irto go
Irseto go (oneself)
Jubilarseto retire
Jugarto play
Juzgarto judge
Lamentarto regret, to lament
Lanzarto throw, to launch
Lavarto wash
Lavarseto wash (oneself)
Leerto read
Levantarto lift (up), to raise, to pick up
Levantarseto get up (oneself), to stand up
Liberarto release, to free
Liderarto lead
Limpiarto clean, to clean up
Llamarto call
Llamarseto be named
Llegarto arrive, to come, to reach
Llenarto fill
Llenarseto be full, to fill up (oneself)
Llevarto carry, to take, to bring, to wear
Llevarseto take (with oneself), to get along with
Llorarto cry
Lograrto achieve, to accomplish, to attain
Lucharto struggle, to fight
Mancharto stain
Mandarto send, to command, to order
Manejarto drive, to manage, to handle, to operate
Mantenerto maintain, to keep
Mantenerseto support (oneself), to hold up, to remain
Marcarto mark, to dial
Marcharto march, to walk
Matarto kill
Medirto measure
Mejorarto improve, to make better, to recover
Mencionarto mention
Mentirto lie
Merecerto deserve, to merit, to be worth
Merendarto snack
Meterto put, to place
Mezclarto mix
Mirarto look, to watch
Mirarseto look at (oneself)
Modificarto modify, to change
Molestarto bother, to disturb, to annoy
Montarto mount, to ride
Morirto die, to decease
Morirseto die, to be dying (expression)
Mostrarto show
Moverto move (something)
Moverseto move (oneself)
Nacerto be born
Nadarto swim
Navegarto sail, to navigate, to surf
Necesitarto need
Negarto deny
Negociarto negotiate
Notarto note
Numerarto number
Obligarto force, to bind, to oblige
Observarto observe
Obtenerto get, to obtain
Ocultarto hide
Ocuparto occupy, to concern
Ocurrirto occur, to happen
Odiarto hate, to detest
Ofrecerto offer, to give, to put on
Oírto hear, to listen to
Olerto smell
Olvidarto forget
Olvidarseto forget
Operarto operate
Ordenarto sort, to order
Organizarto organise, to arrange
Orientarto orientate
Originarto originate
Pagarto pay (for)
Pararto stop
Parecerto seem, to appear, to look like
Parecerseto look alike, to be alike
Participarto participate
Partirto split, to depart, to leave
Pasarto pass, to happen, to go, to go through, to spend
Pasearto walk
Pedirto ask for, to request, to order (e.g. food)
Pelearto fight, to quarrel, to argue
Peligrarto jeopardize, to be in danger
Pensarto think, to believe
Percibirto perceive
Perderto lose
Permanecerto stay, to remain
Permitirto allow, to permit
Permitirseto afford (something)
Perseguirto pursue, to chase
Persistirto persist
Pertenecerto belong
Picarto chop, to sting, to bite, to itch
Pintarto paint
Pintarseto put on makeup
Pisarto step, to tread
Placerto pleasure
Plancharto iron
Planearto plan
Planificarto plan
Plantarto plant
Plantearto pose, to propose
Poderto be able to
Ponerto put, to place
Ponerseto put on, to place on
Poseerto possess, to own
Practicarto practice, to rehearse
Predecirto predict, to foretell
Preferirto prefer
Preguntarto ask, to question
Preguntarseto ask (oneself), to wonder
Preocuparseto worry, to concern
Prepararto prepare, to make
Prepararseto prepare (oneself), to ready (oneself)
Presentarto present, to introduce
Presentirto have a feeling
Prestarto lend, to loan
Prestarseto lend support, to volunteer to
Pretenderto intend
Prevenirto prevent
Probarto try, to taste, to test, to prove, to sample (something)
Probarseto try on (oneself)
Producirto produce, to make
Progresarto progress
Prohibirto ban, to prohibit, to forbid
Prometerto promise
Pronunciarto pronounce
Proponerto propose, to put forward
Protegerto protect
Protegerseto protect (oneself)
Protestarto protest
Provocarto provoke
Proyectarto project
Publicarto publish, to publicise
Quedarto remain, to be left, to meet (a person)
Quedarseto stay
Quejarseto complain, to moan
Quemarto burn
Quererto want, to love
Quitarto take away, to remove, to take from
Quitarseto take off (something)
Razonarto reason
Realizarto perform, to carry out, to realise
Rechazarto refuse, to reject
Recibirto receive
Reclamarto claim, to reclaim
Recogerto collect, to pick up
Recomendarto recommend
Reconocerto recognise
Recordarto remember, to recall, to remind
Recorrerto travel
Recuperarto recover, to recuperate
Recurrirto appeal, to turn to
Reducirto reduce
Referirto refer
Referirseto refer (to oneself)
Reflexionarto reflect, to ponder
Regalarto give away, to present, to give a present
Registrarto register, to record, to search
Regresarto return, to go back, to come back
Regularto regulate
Reírto laugh
Reírseto laugh
Rendirto perform, to yield
Repararto repair
Repartirto distribute
Repasarto review
Repetirto repeat
Reponerto replace
Reportarto report
Representarto represent
Reproducirto reproduce, to copy
Requerirto require
Resaltarto stand out, to highlight
Rescatarto rescue
Reservarto reserve, to book
Resistirto resist, to withstand, to endure
Resolverto solve, to resolve
Respetarto respect
Respirarto breathe
Responderto answer, to respond
Restringirto restrict
Resultarto become, to turn out, to work
Resumirto summarize, to sum up (a topic)
Retenerto hold back, to withhold
Retirarto withdraw
Retirarseto retire
Retomarto resume, to restart
Retrasarto delay
Retrasarseto be delayed
Retrocederto go back, to back up
Reunirto gather
Reunirseto get together
Revertirto revert
Revisarto revise, to inspect, to check, to review
Revolverto stir, to turn
Rezarto pray
Robarto steal, to rob
Rodarto roll, to film, to shoot (a film)
Rodearto surround
Rogarto pray, to beg, to request (formal)
Romperto break
Romperseto break (oneself), to break down
Saberto know (things)
Saborearto savour, to savor
Sacarto take, to get, to take out
Sacarseto extract, to pull out
Sacudirto shake, to shock
Salirto leave, to go out, to get out
Saltarto jump, to skip
Saltearto saute
Saludarto greet
Salvarto save (rescue)
Sanarto heal, to cure
Satisfacerto satisfy
Secarto dry, to dry off
Secarseto dry (oneself), to dry off (oneself)
Seducirto seduce, to tempt, to entice
Seguirto follow, to continue
Seleccionarto select
Sembrarto sow, to plant
Señalarto point, to mark
Sentarto sit
Sentarseto sit (oneself)
Sentirto feel, to regret
Sentirseto feel
Separarto separate
Serto be (permanent)
Servirto serve
Servirseto serve (oneself), to make use of
Significarto mean, to signify
Situarto place, to position
Sobrarto spare, to remain
Sobresalirto excel, to stand out
Sobresaltarto shock, to startle
Sobrescribirto overwrite
Sobrevivirto survive
Sofreírto stir-fry, to saute
Solerto be used to, to usually do
Solicitarto request, to apply for
Soltarto release, to drop
Solucionarto solve, to sort out
Sonarto sound, to ring
Sonreírto smile
Soplarto blow
Soportarto put up with, to endure
Sorprenderto surprise
Sospecharto suspect
Sostenerto sustain, to hold
Subirto go up, to upload, to rise
Subrayarto underline
Sucederto happen
Sufrirto suffer, to sustain
Sugerirto suggest
Sumarto add (counting), to sum up (counting)
Superarto overcome, to get over
Suponerto suppose, to guess
Surfearto surf
Surgirto emerge, to arise
Sustituirto substitute
Tardarto delay, to be slow
Temblarto tremble
Temerto fear
Tenderto tend
Tenerto have
Terminarto end, to terminate, to finish
Tirarto throw, to drop, to shoot
Tirarseto throw (oneself)
Tocarto play (an instrument), to touch
Tolerarto tolerate
Tomarto drink, to take
Tomarseto take (for oneself), to have, to consume
Toserto cough
Trabajarto work
Traducirto translate
Traerto bring, to get, to carry
Tragarto swallow, to stomach
Transferirto transfer
Transformarto transform
Transmitirto transmit, to convey
Transportarto transport
Trasladarto move, to transfer
Trasladarseto move (house), to relocate
Tratarto treat, to try
Triunfarto succeed, to triumph
Tropezarto trip, to stumble
Ubicarto locate, to situate
Ubicarseto be located
Unirto unite, to join
Unirseto join
Usarto use
Utilizarto use, to utilize
Vaciarto empty
Vacunarto vaccinate
Valerto value, to be worth
Valorarto value, to assess, to appraise
Variarto vary
Vencerto overcome
Venderto sell
Venirto come
Verto see, to watch
Verificarto verify
Vestirto dress, to wear
Vestirseto dress (oneself), to wear, to get dressed
Viajarto travel
Vibrarto vibrate
Visitarto visit
Vivirto live
Volarto fly
Volverto return
Votarto vote

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Note on sample sentences: we provide sample sentences for most of the verbs above (see them by clicking through to a specific verb). Some of these sentences and translations are sourced from Tatoeba's open source sentence library. The data is released under a CC BY 2.0 license. We really appreciate the efforts of Tatoeba and their users in open sourcing these sentences.


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