Popular Spanish Verbs
We have full conjugation tables for the 762 most popular verbs in Spanish, in all tenses and moods. See the complete list below, including full English translations. Looking for more? Our mobile and web apps have over 2,300+ verbs!:
Spanish | English |
Abandonar | to abandon, to leave |
Abrazar | to hug, to embrace |
Abrir | to open |
Absorber | to absorb |
Abundar | to abound |
Aburrir | to bore |
Aburrirse | to get bored |
Abusar | to abuse |
Acabar | to finish, to end, to complete |
Acampar | to camp |
Acceder | to access |
Acelerar | to accelerate |
Aceptar | to accept |
Acercar | to bring closer |
Acercarse | to approach (oneself) |
Acompañar | to accompany |
Aconsejar | to advise, to suggest, to counsel |
Acordar | to agree, to agree on or upon |
Acordarse | to remember |
Acostar | to put to bed, to lay down |
Acostarse | to go to bed, to lie down |
Acostumbrar | to accustom, to habituate |
Actualizar | to update, to refresh |
Actualizarse | to update (oneself) |
Actuar | to act, to perform |
Acudir | to go, to turn up |
Acumular | to accumulate |
Acusar | to accuse |
Adaptar | to adapt |
Adelantar | to go ahead, to move forward, to overtake |
Adelgazar | to slim down, to lose weight |
Admirar | to admire |
Admitir | to admit |
Adoptar | to adopt |
Adquirir | to acquire, to purchase |
Advertir | to warn, to note, to caution, to notice |
Afirmar | to affirm |
Agradecer | to thank, to be grateful for |
Aguantar | to endure, to put up with |
Ahorrar | to save (money), to spare |
Aislar | to isolate |
Alcanzar | to reach, to attain, to achieve, to accomplish |
Alegrar | to be happy, to be glad |
Alegrarse | to be happy (oneself), to be glad (oneself) |
Alejar | to move (away) |
Alimentar | to feed, to nourish |
Almacenar | to store, to stock up |
Almorzar | to lunch, to eat lunch |
Alquilar | to rent, to hire |
Alterar | to alter |
Amanecer | to dawn |
Amar | to love |
Amarse | to love (each other) |
Amenazar | to threaten, to menace |
Añadir | to add |
Analizar | to analyse, to analyze |
Andar | to walk, to go, to go around |
Animar | to encourage, to animate |
Anochecer | to become night, to get dark |
Añorar | to yearn |
Anotar | to annotate, to make a note |
Anular | to cancel |
Anunciar | to announce, to advertise |
Apagar | to turn off, to extinguish |
Aparecer | to appear |
Aplaudir | to applaud |
Aplicar | to apply |
Apoyar | to support |
Apoyarse | to be supported |
Aprender | to learn |
Apretar | to tighten |
Aprobar | to approve, to pass |
Aprovechar | to take advantage of |
Aprovecharse | to take advantage (when used with "de") |
Apuntar | to point, to aim, to make a note, to record |
Armar | to assemble, to arm |
Arreglar | to fix, to mend, to arrange |
Arreglarse | to get ready |
Arrendar | to lease, to rent |
Asegurar | to ensure, to secure, to insure |
Asegurarse | to ensure, to be sure |
Asistir | to assist, to attend |
Atender | to attend to, to serve, to tend to |
Aumentar | to increase, to enlarge |
Avanzar | to advance, to proceed, to move |
Averiguar | to find out, to ascertain |
Ayudar | to help, to assist |
Bailar | to dance |
Bajar | to go down, to lower, to bring down |
Beber | to drink |
Buscar | to search (for), to look (for) |
Caber | to fit |
Caer | to fall, to fall down |
Caerse | to fall, to fall down |
Calcular | to calculate, to estimate |
Calentar | to warm (up), to heat (up) |
Calentarse | to heat (oneself) |
Callar | to stop talking, to be quiet |
Calmar | to calm, to soothe |
Cambiar | to change |
Cambiarse | to change (clothes) |
Caminar | to walk |
Cancelar | to cancel |
Cantar | to sing |
Capacitar | to prepare, to qualify |
Capacitarse | to be qualified, to be trained |
Cargar | to load |
Casarse | to marry |
Castigar | to punish |
Causar | to cause |
Ceder | to yield, to give in, to assign, to transfer |
Celebrar | to celebrate, to hold (an event), to put on (an event) |
Celebrarse | to be celebrated, to take place |
Cenar | to dine |
Centrar | to centre, to center, to focus |
Cepillar | to brush |
Cepillarse | to brush (oneself) |
Cerrar | to close, to shut, to lock, to seal |
Cesar | to cease, to stop, to end |
Charlar | to chat |
Chillar | to scream, to yell, to squeal |
Chocar | to crash, to collide, to annoy |
Chupar | to suck |
Circular | to circulate, to go round |
Citar | to schedule, to arrange a meeting |
Clasificar | to classify, to sort, to rank, to rate |
Cobrar | to charge (money), to collect (money) |
Cocinar | to cook |
Coger | to take, to catch, to get, to pick |
Coincidir | to coincide |
Colaborar | to collaborate |
Colar | to strain, to filter |
Colgar | to hang, to hang up |
Colmar | to fill, to fill up, to fulfill |
Colocar | to place, to locate, to put |
Combatir | to fight, to combat |
Combinar | to combine |
Comentar | to comment |
Comenzar | to start, to commence, to begin |
Comer | to eat |
Comerse | to consume, to eat away |
Cometer | to commit |
Comparar | to compare |
Compartir | to share |
Competir | to compete |
Completar | to complete |
Complicar | to complicate |
Complicarse | to get complicated |
Comprar | to buy |
Comprender | to comprehend, to understand |
Comprobar | to check, to test |
Comunicar | to communicate, to report, to inform, to convey |
Comunicarse | to communicate |
Conceder | to concede, to give |
Concluir | to conclude |
Conducir | to drive, to lead, to conduct |
Conectar | to connect |
Confesar | to confess, to admit |
Confiar | to trust, to rely, to entrust |
Confirmar | to confirm |
Confundir | to confuse |
Conmover | to move (emotionally), to touch |
Conocer | to know (people and places) |
Conocerse | to know (oneself), to meet |
Conseguir | to get, to obtain |
Consentir | to consent, to accept, to agree |
Conservar | to keep, to retain, to conserve |
Considerar | to consider |
Considerarse | to be considered, to consider (oneself) |
Consistir | to consist |
Consolar | to comfort |
Consolidar | to consolidate |
Constituir | to constitute |
Construir | to build, to construct |
Consultar | to consult |
Consumir | to consume |
Contactar | to contact |
Contagiar | to transmit, to spread (a virus), to infect |
Contar | to count, to tell |
Contemplar | to contemplate |
Contener | to contain, to hold, to include |
Contestar | to answer, to reply |
Continuar | to continue |
Contribuir | to contribute |
Controlar | to control |
Convencer | to convince, to persuade |
Convenir | to agree, to concur |
Conversar | to converse, to talk |
Convertir | to convert |
Convertirse | to convert to, to turn into |
Copiar | to copy |
Corregir | to correct, to mend |
Correr | to run, to race |
Corresponder | to correspond |
Cortar | to cut |
Cosechar | to harvest, to reap |
Coser | to sew, to stitch |
Costar | to cost |
Crear | to create |
Crecer | to grow up, to rise, to increase |
Creer | to believe, to think |
Creerse | to believe (about oneself), to think (about oneself) |
Criar | to rear, to raise, to bring up |
Criarse | to grow (as a person) |
Criticar | to criticise |
Cruzar | to cross, to walk across |
Cubrir | to cover |
Cuidar | to look after, to care |
Cuidarse | to look after (oneself) |
Cultivar | to cultivate, to grow, to farm |
Cumplir | to carry out, to fulfil |
Curar | to cure, to heal |
Dar | to give |
Darse | to give (oneself) |
Deber | to owe, to must, to should |
Decidir | to decide |
Decir | to say, to tell |
Decirse | to say (to oneself) |
Declarar | to declare |
Dedicar | to devote, to dedicate |
Dedicarse | to devote (oneself), to dedicate (oneself) |
Defender | to defend |
Defenderse | to defend (oneself) |
Definir | to define |
Dejar | to leave, to let, to allow, to cease |
Dejarse | to let (oneself), to let oneself go |
Demandar | to demand |
Demostrar | to demonstrate, to show, to prove |
Denunciar | to report, to denounce |
Depender | to depend |
Desaparecer | to disappear, to vanish |
Desarrollar | to develop |
Desarrollarse | to develop (oneself) |
Desayunar | to have breakfast |
Descansar | to rest |
Descargar | to download |
Descender | to descend, to go down |
Desconectar | to disconnect |
Describir | to describe |
Descubrir | to discover |
Desear | to wish, to want, to desire |
Despedir | to dismiss, to fire (e.g. an employee) |
Despedirse | to say goodbye |
Despertar | to wake, to awaken |
Despertarse | to wake (oneself), to awaken (oneself), to wake up |
Detectar | to detect |
Detener | to stop, to arrest, to detain |
Detenerse | to stop, to arrest, to detain |
Determinar | to determine |
Devenir | to become |
Devolver | to give back, to return (something) |
Dibujar | to draw |
Dictar | to dictate |
Difundir | to spread, to diffuse |
Dirigir | to direct, to lead, to manage |
Disculpar | to excuse |
Discutir | to discuss, to argue |
Diseñar | to design |
Disfrutar | to enjoy |
Disgustar | to disgust |
Disminuir | to decrease, to diminish |
Disponer | to prepare, to get something ready |
Distinguir | to distinguish, to make out |
Distribuir | to distribute, to allocate, to give out |
Divertir | to amuse, to entertain |
Divertirse | to enjoy (oneself), to amuse (oneself), to entertain (oneself) |
Dividir | to divide |
Doler | to hurt, to ache, to pain |
Dominar | to dominate, to control |
Donar | to donate, to give |
Dormir | to sleep |
Dormirse | to fall asleep |
Duchar | to shower (someone), to shower (something) |
Ducharse | to shower (oneself) |
Dudar | to doubt |
Durar | to last, to endure, to continue |
Echar | to throw, to put, to drop |
Echarse | to throw (oneself), to lean, to lie down |
Editar | to edit |
Educar | to educate |
Efectuar | to effect, to make |
Ejecutar | to execute, to implement |
Ejercer | to exercise, to exert |
Ejercitar | to excercise |
Elaborar | to produce |
Elegir | to choose, to select, to elect |
Elevar | to raise, to elevate |
Eliminar | to remove, to eliminate |
Elogiar | to praise |
Emigrar | to emigrate |
Emitir | to broadcast |
Empeorar | to worsen, to deteriorate |
Empezar | to start, to begin |
Emplear | to employ, to use |
Emprender | to undertake |
Empujar | to push |
Enamorarse | to fall in love |
Encajar | to fit, to fit in |
Encantar | to love, to enchant |
Encargar | to order, to request |
Encender | to turn on, to switch on, to ignite, to light up |
Encerrar | to shut down, to enclose |
Enchufar | to plug in |
Encoger | to shrink |
Encomendar | to entrust, to commend |
Encontrar | to find |
Encontrarse | to find (oneself) |
Endulzar | to sweeten |
Endurecer | to harden |
Enfadar | to annoy, to anger, to irritate |
Enfadarse | to get angry, to get annoyed |
Enfocar | to focus |
Enfrentar | to face, to confront |
Enfriar | to cool, to chill |
Engañar | to cheat, to deceive |
Enojar | to anger, to annoy |
Enojarse | to get angry, to get annoyed |
Ensayar | to test, to try out, to rehearse |
Enseñar | to teach, to show |
Ensuciar | to get dirty |
Entender | to understand |
Enterarse | to find out, to notice |
Entrar | to enter |
Entregar | to deliver, to give, to submit |
Entrenar | to train, to coach, to practice, to practise |
Entretener | to entertain |
Entretenerse | to entertain (oneself), to have fun |
Entristecerse | to get sad |
Envejecerse | to become old |
Enviar | to send, to send something (e.g. message or email) |
Envolver | to cover, to wrap |
Equivocarse | to make a mistake (oneself) |
Escalar | to climb |
Escanear | to scan |
Escapar | to escape |
Escaparse | to escape |
Escoger | to choose, to pick |
Escoltar | to escort |
Esconder | to hide |
Escribir | to write |
Escribirse | to write to each other |
Escuchar | to listen |
Esperar | to wait, to hope, to wait for |
Esquiar | to ski |
Establecer | to establish |
Estacionar | to park |
Estallar | to burst, to explode |
Estar | to be (temporary) |
Estimar | to estimate, to gauge |
Estrenar | to show (for the first time), to release |
Estudiar | to study |
Evacuar | to evacuate |
Evaluar | to evaluate, to assess |
Evitar | to avoid, to prevent |
Examinar | to examine, to inspect, to test |
Excluir | to exclude |
Exigir | to require, to demand |
Existir | to exist |
Expandir | to expand, to spread |
Experimentar | to experiment, to experience |
Explicar | to explain |
Explorar | to explore |
Exponer | to expose, to display |
Expresar | to express, to convey |
Exprimir | to squeeze, to wring (out) |
Extender | to extend, to stretch |
Extraer | to extract |
Extrañar | to surprise, to miss |
Extrañarse | to be surprised |
Fabricar | to manufacture, to make |
Facilitar | to facilitate |
Faltar | to lack, to fail, to fall short (of) |
Fascinar | to fascinate |
Festejar | to celebrate |
Fijar | to pin up, to set, to fix |
Fijarse | to take notice |
Filmar | to film, to shoot (a film) |
Firmar | to sign |
Fomentar | to promote, to encourage, to foster |
Formar | to form, to make |
Formular | to formulate |
Fortalecer | to strengthen |
Forzar | to force |
Fotografiar | to photograph, to take a photo of, to take a picture of |
Fumar | to smoke |
Funcionar | to function, to work |
Ganar | to win, to gain, to earn |
Garantizar | to guarantee |
Gastar | to expend |
Generalizar | to generalise |
Generar | to generate |
Gestionar | to manage |
Girar | to turn |
Gobernar | to govern, to rule |
Grabar | to record |
Gritar | to shout, to scream, to yell |
Guardar | to save (information), to keep, to guard, to hold |
Guiar | to guide |
Gustar | to like, to be pleased by |
Haber | to have (auxiliary) |
Habilitar | to enable |
Habitar | to inhabit |
Habituar | to habituate, to get in the habit of |
Hablar | to speak, to talk |
Hablarse | to speak (with each other) |
Hacer | to do, to make |
Hacerse | to make (oneself), to become |
Hallar | to find |
Heredar | to inherit |
Hervir | to boil |
Hornear | to cook in the oven, to bake, to roast |
Huir | to run away, to escape, to flee |
Identificar | to identify |
Ignorar | to ignore |
Imaginar | to imagine |
Imitar | to imitate |
Impartir | to impart |
Impedir | to prevent, to impede |
Implementar | to implement |
Implicar | to implicate, to imply |
Imponer | to impose |
Importar | to import, to matter |
Imprimir | to print |
Inclinar | to incline, to tip (over) |
Incluir | to include |
Incorporar | to incorporate |
Incrementar | to increase, to increment |
Indicar | to indicate |
Inducir | to induce |
Infectar | to infect |
Inflar | to inflate, to blow up |
Informar | to inform, to report |
Ingresar | to admit, to pay in |
Inhalar | to breathe in, to inhale |
Iniciar | to start, to initiate |
Innovar | to innovate |
Inscribir | to inscribe |
Insistir | to insist |
Instalar | to install, to set up |
Integrar | to integrate, to form (part of) |
Intentar | to try, to attempt |
Interactuar | to interact |
Interesar | to interest |
Interpretar | to interpret |
Interrumpir | to interrupt |
Introducir | to introduce, to insert |
Invitar | to invite |
Ir | to go |
Irse | to go (oneself) |
Jubilarse | to retire |
Jugar | to play |
Juzgar | to judge |
Lamentar | to regret, to lament |
Lanzar | to throw, to launch |
Lavar | to wash |
Lavarse | to wash (oneself) |
Leer | to read |
Levantar | to lift (up), to raise, to pick up |
Levantarse | to get up (oneself), to stand up |
Liberar | to release, to free |
Liderar | to lead |
Limpiar | to clean, to clean up |
Llamar | to call |
Llamarse | to be named |
Llegar | to arrive, to come, to reach |
Llenar | to fill |
Llenarse | to be full, to fill up (oneself) |
Llevar | to carry, to take, to bring, to wear |
Llevarse | to take (with oneself), to get along with |
Llorar | to cry |
Lograr | to achieve, to accomplish, to attain |
Luchar | to struggle, to fight |
Manchar | to stain |
Mandar | to send, to command, to order |
Manejar | to drive, to manage, to handle, to operate |
Mantener | to maintain, to keep |
Mantenerse | to support (oneself), to hold up, to remain |
Marcar | to mark, to dial |
Marchar | to march, to walk |
Matar | to kill |
Medir | to measure |
Mejorar | to improve, to make better, to recover |
Mencionar | to mention |
Mentir | to lie |
Merecer | to deserve, to merit, to be worth |
Merendar | to snack |
Meter | to put, to place |
Mezclar | to mix |
Mirar | to look, to watch |
Mirarse | to look at (oneself) |
Modificar | to modify, to change |
Molestar | to bother, to disturb, to annoy |
Montar | to mount, to ride |
Morir | to die, to decease |
Morirse | to die, to be dying (expression) |
Mostrar | to show |
Mover | to move (something) |
Moverse | to move (oneself) |
Nacer | to be born |
Nadar | to swim |
Navegar | to sail, to navigate, to surf |
Necesitar | to need |
Negar | to deny |
Negociar | to negotiate |
Notar | to note |
Numerar | to number |
Obligar | to force, to bind, to oblige |
Observar | to observe |
Obtener | to get, to obtain |
Ocultar | to hide |
Ocupar | to occupy, to concern |
Ocurrir | to occur, to happen |
Odiar | to hate, to detest |
Ofrecer | to offer, to give, to put on |
Oír | to hear, to listen to |
Oler | to smell |
Olvidar | to forget |
Olvidarse | to forget |
Operar | to operate |
Ordenar | to sort, to order |
Organizar | to organise, to arrange |
Orientar | to orientate |
Originar | to originate |
Pagar | to pay (for) |
Parar | to stop |
Parecer | to seem, to appear, to look like |
Parecerse | to look alike, to be alike |
Participar | to participate |
Partir | to split, to depart, to leave |
Pasar | to pass, to happen, to go, to go through, to spend |
Pasear | to walk |
Pedir | to ask for, to request, to order (e.g. food) |
Pelear | to fight, to quarrel, to argue |
Peligrar | to jeopardize, to be in danger |
Pensar | to think, to believe |
Percibir | to perceive |
Perder | to lose |
Permanecer | to stay, to remain |
Permitir | to allow, to permit |
Permitirse | to afford (something) |
Perseguir | to pursue, to chase |
Persistir | to persist |
Pertenecer | to belong |
Picar | to chop, to sting, to bite, to itch |
Pintar | to paint |
Pintarse | to put on makeup |
Pisar | to step, to tread |
Placer | to pleasure |
Planchar | to iron |
Planear | to plan |
Planificar | to plan |
Plantar | to plant |
Plantear | to pose, to propose |
Poder | to be able to |
Poner | to put, to place |
Ponerse | to put on, to place on |
Poseer | to possess, to own |
Practicar | to practice, to rehearse |
Predecir | to predict, to foretell |
Preferir | to prefer |
Preguntar | to ask, to question |
Preguntarse | to ask (oneself), to wonder |
Preocuparse | to worry, to concern |
Preparar | to prepare, to make |
Prepararse | to prepare (oneself), to ready (oneself) |
Presentar | to present, to introduce |
Presentir | to have a feeling |
Prestar | to lend, to loan |
Prestarse | to lend support, to volunteer to |
Pretender | to intend |
Prevenir | to prevent |
Probar | to try, to taste, to test, to prove, to sample (something) |
Probarse | to try on (oneself) |
Producir | to produce, to make |
Progresar | to progress |
Prohibir | to ban, to prohibit, to forbid |
Prometer | to promise |
Pronunciar | to pronounce |
Proponer | to propose, to put forward |
Proteger | to protect |
Protegerse | to protect (oneself) |
Protestar | to protest |
Provocar | to provoke |
Proyectar | to project |
Publicar | to publish, to publicise |
Quedar | to remain, to be left, to meet (a person) |
Quedarse | to stay |
Quejarse | to complain, to moan |
Quemar | to burn |
Querer | to want, to love |
Quitar | to take away, to remove, to take from |
Quitarse | to take off (something) |
Razonar | to reason |
Realizar | to perform, to carry out, to realise |
Rechazar | to refuse, to reject |
Recibir | to receive |
Reclamar | to claim, to reclaim |
Recoger | to collect, to pick up |
Recomendar | to recommend |
Reconocer | to recognise |
Recordar | to remember, to recall, to remind |
Recorrer | to travel |
Recuperar | to recover, to recuperate |
Recurrir | to appeal, to turn to |
Reducir | to reduce |
Referir | to refer |
Referirse | to refer (to oneself) |
Reflexionar | to reflect, to ponder |
Regalar | to give away, to present, to give a present |
Registrar | to register, to record, to search |
Regresar | to return, to go back, to come back |
Regular | to regulate |
Reír | to laugh |
Reírse | to laugh |
Rendir | to perform, to yield |
Reparar | to repair |
Repartir | to distribute |
Repasar | to review |
Repetir | to repeat |
Reponer | to replace |
Reportar | to report |
Representar | to represent |
Reproducir | to reproduce, to copy |
Requerir | to require |
Resaltar | to stand out, to highlight |
Rescatar | to rescue |
Reservar | to reserve, to book |
Resistir | to resist, to withstand, to endure |
Resolver | to solve, to resolve |
Respetar | to respect |
Respirar | to breathe |
Responder | to answer, to respond |
Restringir | to restrict |
Resultar | to become, to turn out, to work |
Resumir | to summarize, to sum up (a topic) |
Retener | to hold back, to withhold |
Retirar | to withdraw |
Retirarse | to retire |
Retomar | to resume, to restart |
Retrasar | to delay |
Retrasarse | to be delayed |
Retroceder | to go back, to back up |
Reunir | to gather |
Reunirse | to get together |
Revertir | to revert |
Revisar | to revise, to inspect, to check, to review |
Revolver | to stir, to turn |
Rezar | to pray |
Robar | to steal, to rob |
Rodar | to roll, to film, to shoot (a film) |
Rodear | to surround |
Rogar | to pray, to beg, to request (formal) |
Romper | to break |
Romperse | to break (oneself), to break down |
Saber | to know (things) |
Saborear | to savour, to savor |
Sacar | to take, to get, to take out |
Sacarse | to extract, to pull out |
Sacudir | to shake, to shock |
Salir | to leave, to go out, to get out |
Saltar | to jump, to skip |
Saltear | to saute |
Saludar | to greet |
Salvar | to save (rescue) |
Sanar | to heal, to cure |
Satisfacer | to satisfy |
Secar | to dry, to dry off |
Secarse | to dry (oneself), to dry off (oneself) |
Seducir | to seduce, to tempt, to entice |
Seguir | to follow, to continue |
Seleccionar | to select |
Sembrar | to sow, to plant |
Señalar | to point, to mark |
Sentar | to sit |
Sentarse | to sit (oneself) |
Sentir | to feel, to regret |
Sentirse | to feel |
Separar | to separate |
Ser | to be (permanent) |
Servir | to serve |
Servirse | to serve (oneself), to make use of |
Significar | to mean, to signify |
Situar | to place, to position |
Sobrar | to spare, to remain |
Sobresalir | to excel, to stand out |
Sobresaltar | to shock, to startle |
Sobrescribir | to overwrite |
Sobrevivir | to survive |
Sofreír | to stir-fry, to saute |
Soler | to be used to, to usually do |
Solicitar | to request, to apply for |
Soltar | to release, to drop |
Solucionar | to solve, to sort out |
Sonar | to sound, to ring |
Sonreír | to smile |
Soplar | to blow |
Soportar | to put up with, to endure |
Sorprender | to surprise |
Sospechar | to suspect |
Sostener | to sustain, to hold |
Subir | to go up, to upload, to rise |
Subrayar | to underline |
Suceder | to happen |
Sufrir | to suffer, to sustain |
Sugerir | to suggest |
Sumar | to add (counting), to sum up (counting) |
Superar | to overcome, to get over |
Suponer | to suppose, to guess |
Surfear | to surf |
Surgir | to emerge, to arise |
Sustituir | to substitute |
Tardar | to delay, to be slow |
Temblar | to tremble |
Temer | to fear |
Tender | to tend |
Tener | to have |
Terminar | to end, to terminate, to finish |
Tirar | to throw, to drop, to shoot |
Tirarse | to throw (oneself) |
Tocar | to play (an instrument), to touch |
Tolerar | to tolerate |
Tomar | to drink, to take |
Tomarse | to take (for oneself), to have, to consume |
Toser | to cough |
Trabajar | to work |
Traducir | to translate |
Traer | to bring, to get, to carry |
Tragar | to swallow, to stomach |
Transferir | to transfer |
Transformar | to transform |
Transmitir | to transmit, to convey |
Transportar | to transport |
Trasladar | to move, to transfer |
Trasladarse | to move (house), to relocate |
Tratar | to treat, to try |
Triunfar | to succeed, to triumph |
Tropezar | to trip, to stumble |
Ubicar | to locate, to situate |
Ubicarse | to be located |
Unir | to unite, to join |
Unirse | to join |
Usar | to use |
Utilizar | to use, to utilize |
Vaciar | to empty |
Vacunar | to vaccinate |
Valer | to value, to be worth |
Valorar | to value, to assess, to appraise |
Variar | to vary |
Vencer | to overcome |
Vender | to sell |
Venir | to come |
Ver | to see, to watch |
Verificar | to verify |
Vestir | to dress, to wear |
Vestirse | to dress (oneself), to wear, to get dressed |
Viajar | to travel |
Vibrar | to vibrate |
Visitar | to visit |
Vivir | to live |
Volar | to fly |
Volver | to return |
Votar | to vote |

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Note on sample sentences: we provide sample sentences for most of the verbs above (see them by clicking through to a specific verb). Some of these sentences and translations are sourced from Tatoeba's open source sentence library. The data is released under a CC BY 2.0 license. We really appreciate the efforts of Tatoeba and their users in open sourcing these sentences.

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